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Generador de Sudoku de Java (la solución más sencilla)

Hemos investigado por diferentes espacios para traerte la solución para tu problema, si continúas con alguna inquietud deja la inquietud y te contestamos sin falta, porque estamos para servirte.


Construí un juego de sudoku hace un tiempo y usé el algoritmo de enlaces de baile de Donald Knuth para generar los rompecabezas. Encontré estos sitios muy útiles para aprender e implementar el algoritmo

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class sudoku 

     * @antony
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        int p = 1;
        Random r = new Random();
        int i1=r.nextInt(8);
        int firstval = i1;
        while (p == 1) 
            int x = firstval, v = 1;
            int a[][] = new int[9][9];
            int b[][] = new int[9][9];
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) 
                    if ((x + j + v) <= 9)
                        a[i][j] = j + x + v;
                        a[i][j] = j + x + v - 9;
                    if (a[i][j] == 10)
                        a[i][j] = 1;
                    // System.out.print(a[i][j]+" ");
                x += 3;
                if (x >= 9)
                    x = x - 9;
                // System.out.println();
                if (i == 2) 
                    v = 2;
                    x = firstval;
                if (i == 5) 
                    v = 3;
                    x = firstval;

            int eorh;
            Scanner in = new Scanner(;
                    .println("hey lets play a game of sudoku:take down the question and replace the 0's with your digits and complete the game by re entering your answer");
            System.out.println("enter your option 1.hard  2.easy");
            eorh = in.nextInt();
            switch (eorh) 
            case 1:
                b[0][0] = a[0][0];
                b[8][8] = a[8][8];
                b[0][3] = a[0][3];
                b[0][4] = a[0][4];
                b[1][2] = a[1][2];
                b[1][3] = a[1][3];
                b[1][6] = a[1][6];
                b[1][7] = a[1][7];
                b[2][0] = a[2][0];
                b[2][4] = a[2][4];
                b[2][8] = a[2][8];
                b[3][2] = a[3][2];
                b[3][8] = a[3][8];
                b[4][2] = a[4][2];
                b[4][3] = a[4][3];
                b[4][5] = a[4][5];
                b[4][6] = a[4][6];
                b[5][0] = a[5][0];
                b[5][6] = a[5][6];
                b[6][0] = a[6][0];
                b[6][4] = a[6][4];
                b[6][8] = a[6][8];
                b[7][1] = a[7][1];
                b[7][2] = a[7][2];
                b[7][5] = a[7][5];
                b[7][6] = a[7][6];
                b[8][4] = a[8][4];
                b[8][5] = a[8][5];
                b[0][0] = a[0][0];
                b[8][8] = a[8][8];

            case 2:
                b[0][3] = a[0][3];
                b[0][4] = a[0][4];
                b[1][2] = a[1][2];
                b[1][3] = a[1][3];
                b[1][6] = a[1][6];
                b[1][7] = a[1][7];
                b[1][8] = a[1][8];
                b[2][0] = a[2][0];
                b[2][4] = a[2][4];
                b[2][8] = a[2][8];
                b[3][2] = a[3][2];
                b[3][5] = a[3][5];
                b[3][8] = a[3][8];
                b[4][0] = a[4][0];
                b[4][2] = a[4][2];
                b[4][3] = a[4][3];
                b[4][4] = a[4][4];
                b[4][5] = a[4][5];
                b[4][6] = a[4][6];
                b[5][0] = a[5][0];
                b[5][1] = a[5][1];
                b[5][4] = a[5][4];
                b[5][6] = a[5][6];
                b[6][0] = a[6][0];
                b[6][4] = a[6][4];
                b[6][6] = a[6][6];
                b[6][8] = a[6][8];
                b[7][0] = a[7][0];
                b[7][1] = a[7][1];
                b[7][2] = a[7][2];
                b[7][5] = a[7][5];
                b[7][6] = a[7][6];
                b[8][2] = a[8][2];
                b[8][4] = a[8][4];
                b[8][5] = a[8][5];
                System.out.println("entered option is incorrect");

            for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) 
                for (int z = 0; z < 9; z++) 
                    System.out.print(b[y][z] + " ");
            System.out.println("enter your answer");
            int c[][] = new int[9][9];
            for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) 
                for (int z = 0; z < 9; z++) 
                    c[y][z] = in.nextInt();
            for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) 
                for (int z = 0; z < 9; z++)
                    System.out.print(c[y][z] + " ");
            int q = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) 
                for (int z = 0; z < 9; z++)
                    if (a[y][z] == c[y][z])
            if (q == 0)
                        .println("the answer you have entered is correct well done");
                System.out.println("oh  wrong answer better luck next time");
                    .println("do you want to play a different game of sudoku(1/0)");
            p = in.nextInt();
            /*if (firstval > 8)
                firstval -= 9;*/


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