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flutter en el ejemplo de código de calificación de la aplicación

Nuestro equipo de redactores ha estado mucho tiempo investigando para darle resolución a tus búsquedas, te compartimos la solución por eso deseamos serte de mucha apoyo.

Ejemplo: implementar la tasa de aplicación en flutter

// In this snippet, I'm giving a value to all parameters.// Please note that not all are required (those that are required are marked with the @required annotation).

RateMyApp rateMyApp =RateMyApp(

      title:'Rate this app',// The dialog title.
      message:'If you like this app, please take a little bit of your time to review it !nIt really helps us and it shouldn't take you more than one minute.',// The dialog message.
      rateButton:'RATE',// The dialog "rate" button text.
      noButton:'NO THANKS',// The dialog "no" button text.
      laterButton:'MAYBE LATER',// The dialog "later" button text.
      listener:(button)// The button click listener (useful if you want to cancel the click event).switch(button)case RateMyAppDialogButton.rate:print('Clicked on "Rate".');break;case RateMyAppDialogButton.later:print('Clicked on "Later".');break;case'Clicked on "No".');break;returntrue;// Return false if you want to cancel the click event.,
      ignoreNativeDialog: Platform.isAndroid,// Set to false if you want to show the Apple's native app rating dialog on iOS or Google's native app rating dialog (depends on the current Platform).
      dialogStyle:DialogStyle(),// Custom dialog styles.
      onDismissed:()=> rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.laterButtonPressed),// Called when the user dismissed the dialog (either by taping outside or by pressing the "back" button).// contentBuilder: (context, defaultContent) => content, // This one allows you to change the default dialog content.// actionsBuilder: (context) => [], // This one allows you to use your own buttons. );// Or if you prefer to show a star rating bar :
      title:'Rate this app',// The dialog title.
      message:'You like this app ? Then take a little bit of your time to leave a rating :',// The dialog message.// contentBuilder: (context, defaultContent) => content, // This one allows you to change the default dialog content.
      actionsBuilder:(context, stars)// Triggered when the user updates the star rating.return[// Return a list of actions (that will be shown at the bottom of the dialog).FlatButton(
            onPressed:()asyncprint('Thanks for the '+(stars ==null?'0': stars.round().toString())+' star(s) !');// You can handle the result as you want (for instance if the user puts 1 star then open your contact page, if he puts more then open the store page, etc...).// This allows to mimic the behavior of the default "Rate" button. See "Advanced > Broadcasting events" for more information :await rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.rateButtonPressed);
              Navigator.pop<RateMyAppDialogButton>(context, RateMyAppDialogButton.rate);,),];,
      ignoreNativeDialog: Platform.isAndroid,// Set to false if you want to show the Apple's native app rating dialog on iOS or Google's native app rating dialog (depends on the current Platform).
      dialogStyle:DialogStyle(// Custom dialog styles.
        messagePadding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom:20),),
      starRatingOptions:StarRatingOptions(),// Custom star bar rating options.
      onDismissed:()=> rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.laterButtonPressed),// Called when the user dismissed the dialog (either by taping outside or by pressing the "back" button).););

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