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Escriba un programa que devuelva la suma de todos los elementos en una columna especificada de un array ejemplo de código java

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Ejemplo 1: agregar elementos en una columna o fila especificada en un formato bidimensional array Java

packagemultidimensionalarrays;publicclassMultidimensionalArrayspublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)double sumOfRow =0;double[][] matrix =newdouble[3][4];java.util.Scanner input =newjava.util.Scanner(;//ScannerSystem.out.println("Enter a 3 by 4 matrix row by row: ");//Prompt user to enter matrix numbersfor(int row =0; row < matrix.length; row++)for(int col =0; col < matrix[0].length; col++)
                matrix[row][col]= input.nextDouble();double[] sumOfCol =newdouble[matrix[0].length];for(int i =0; i < matrix.length; i++)//rowfor(int j =0; j < matrix[i].length; j++)//column
                sumOfRow += matrix[i][j];
                sumOfCol[j]+= matrix[i][j];System.out.println("Sum of the elements at row "+ row +" is: "+ sumOfRow);System.out.println("Sum of the elements at column "+ col +" is: "+ sumOfCol);

Ejemplo 2: agregar elementos en una columna o fila especificada en un formato bidimensional array Java

/* After the prompt code segment and sumOfCol in the main method */// Row (major index)for(int row =0; row < matrix.length; row++)int rowSum =0;for(int col =0; col < matrix[row].length; col++)
            rowSum += matrix[row][col];System.out.println("Sum of the elements at row "+ row +" is: "+ rowSum);// Column (minor index)// Assuming the length of each row is the samefor(int col =0; col < matrix[0].length; col++)int colSum =0;for(int row =0; row < matrix.length; row++)
            colSum += matrix[row][col];System.out.println("Sum of the elements at col "+ col +" is: "+ colSum);

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