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Ejemplo: unirse a MySQL
A relational database consists of multiple related tables linking together using common columns which are known asforeignkeycolumns. Because of this,datain each tableis incomplete from the business perspective.
MySQL supports the followingtypesof joins:
The following shows the basic syntax of the innerjoin clause that joins two tables table_1 and table_2:
SELECT column_list
FROM table_1
INNERJOIN table_2 ON join_condition;SELECT column_list
FROM table_1
INNERJOIN table_2 USING(column_name);SELECT column_list
FROM table_1
LEFTJOIN table_2 USING(column_name);
Here is the syntax of the rightjoin:
SELECT column_list
FROM table_1
RIGHTJOIN table_2 ON join_condition;
The following shows the basic syntax of the crossjoin clause:
SELECT select_list
FROM table_1
CROSSJOIN table_2;
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