Después de de esta prolongada compilación de datos pudimos resolver esta contratiempo que tienen ciertos de nuestros usuarios. Te compartimos la respuesta y nuestro objetivo es resultarte de mucha apoyo.
Ejemplo: número mágico de Python
MagicNumber =[]
confirmation ="Confirm"
Cancel ="Cancel"for n inrange(5):# prompting user to enter the magic numbertry:
user =int(input("Please Enter your Magic number: "))# add user number to the list
MagicNumber.append(user)# user confirmation to continue or cancel the processifTrue:print(f"The value you enter was : user")
UserConfirm =input(" Enter Confirm to Continue or cancel to Cancel: ")if UserConfirm == confirmation:continueelif UserConfirm == Cancel:break# in case the user enter a wrong confirmation keyword instead of confirm or Cancelelse:print("------------------------------------------")print("Not a correct input, Please try again!!!")print("------------------------------------------")ifTrue:print("The Number you enter was : ", user)
UserConfirm =input(" Enter Confirm to Continue or cancel to Cancel: ")if UserConfirm == confirmation:continueelif UserConfirm == Cancel:break# if user enter a wrong type of number (ex:string or float) instead of throwing an error# user receive a messageexcept ValueError:print("wrong type of number, Prefer integer")print("Your Magic Number are: ", MagicNumber)
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