No olvides que en las ciencias un problema suele tener diversas resoluciones, no obstante aquí te mostraremos lo más óptimo y eficiente.
Ejemplo 1: rango python 3
# range(start, stop, step)# start = index to begin at (INCLUSIVE)# stop = generate numbers up to, but not including this number (EXCLUSIVE)# step = (can be omitted) difference between each number in the sequence
arr =[19,5,3,22,13]# range(stop)for i inrange(len(arr)):print(arr[i])# prints: 19, 5, 3, 22, 13# range(start, stop)for i inrange(2,len(arr)):print(arr[i])# prints: 3, 22, 13# range(start, stop, step)for i inrange(0,len(arr),2):print(arr[i])# prints: 19, 3, 13# reverse:for i inrange(len(arr)-1,-1,-1):print(arr[i])
Ejemplo 2: rango de python en intervalos de 10
print("using start, stop, and step arguments in Python range() function")print("Printing All odd numbers between 1 and 10 using range()")for i inrange(1,10,2):print(i, end=', ')
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