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ejemplo de código python de comentarios en bloque

Hola, hemos encontrado la respuesta a tu interrogante, desplázate y la encontrarás más abajo.

Ejemplo 1: codificación de comentarios multilínea

/*== start 
*/== end

COMMENT HERE (between 
the two delimeters).*/

Ejemplo 2: cómo hacer un comentario python

# You use a hastag at the beginning of the line to make anything after it a comment'''
You can also make a multi line comment
With three single quotes at the beginning and end!

Ejemplo 3: cómo hacer un comentario en python

#Use a hash

Ejemplo 4: Python comenta varias líneas

#There is no way to comment multiple lines in Python.#You just keep using "#" symbol to comment each line out.'''
Technically you could also use triple single quotation
marks like so, but this formatting does not count
as "true" source code comments that are removed by
a Python parser.

Ejemplo 5: gran comentario de python

# one hashtag for a single line comment"""
3 quote marks is technically
a docstring, but it works as
a multi line comment
"""##pressing 'Alt 3' in IDLE comments out##what you are selectingand'Alt 4' to uncomment

ifFalse:print('Hello')# yes you can do it at the end of a line
  you can technically put ifFalse around code you dont want it to run,
  but that would mean it has to have correct syntax,and would not be good for readability.

Ejemplo 6: comentar un bloque en python

select the lines you want to comment
and'use Ctrl + / to comment all of the selected text'.
To uncomment do the same thing.
put a '#' before each line

eg :#This is a comment

Puntuaciones y reseñas

Al final de todo puedes encontrar las interpretaciones de otros sys admins, tú igualmente tienes la opción de dejar el tuyo si te gusta.

¡Haz clic para puntuar esta entrada!
(Votos: 0 Promedio: 0)

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