Ya no tienes que indagar más por todo internet ya que llegaste al lugar adecuado, tenemos la solución que necesitas encontrar pero sin problema.
Ejemplo 1: hilo lambda anónimo de Java
publicclassLambdaThreadTestpublicstaticvoidmain(String args[])// Child threadnewThread(()->// Lambda Expressionfor(int i=1; i <=5; i++)System.out.println("Child Thread: "+ i);tryThread.sleep(500);catch(Exception e)
e.printStackTrace();).start();// Main Theadfor(int j=1; j <5; j++)System.out.println("Main Thread: "+ j);tryThread.sleep(500);catch(Exception e)
Ejemplo 2: expresiones lambda en java
A lambda expression is a short block
of code which takes in parameters
and returns a value. Lambda expressions
are similar tomethods, but they do
not need a name and they can be
implemented right in the body of a method.
parameter -> expression
To use more than one parameter, wrap them in parentheses:(parameter1, parameter2)-> expression
ExampleUse a lamba expression in the ArrayList's
forEach() method toprint every item in the list:importjava.util.ArrayList;publicclassMainpublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)ArrayList<Integer> numbers =newArrayList<Integer>();
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