Posterior a de esta larga recopilación de información hemos podido resolver esta contratiempo que presentan ciertos los usuarios. Te compartimos la solución y deseamos resultarte de mucha ayuda.
Ejemplo 1: Javascript string a int
var myInt =parseInt("10.256");//10var myFloat =parseFloat("10.256");//10.256
Ejemplo 2: parseint javascript
var myInt =parseInt("10.256");//10var myFloat =parseFloat("10.256");//10.256
Ejemplo 3: parseint
// parseIntparseInt("10");//------------ 10parseInt("10.00");//--------- 10parseInt("10.33")//--------- 10parseInt("34 45 66")//------ 34parseInt(" 60 ")//------ 60parseInt("40 years")//------ 40parseInt("He was 40")//----- NaNparseInt("10",10)//-------- 10parseInt("010")//----------- 10parseInt("10",8)//--------- 8parseInt("0x10")//---------- 16parseInt("10",16)//-------- 16// parseFloatparseFloat("10")//-----------10parseFloat("10.00")//--------10parseFloat("10.33")//--------10.33parseFloat("34 45 66")//-----34parseFloat(" 60 ")//---------60parseFloat("40 years")//-----40parseFloat("He was 40");//----NaN/ mm.mirzaei/
Ejemplo 4: conversión de tipo javascript int
Number("3.14")// returns 3.14false.toString()// returns "false"String(false)// returns "false"
Ejemplo 5: parseint js
parseInt(" 0xF",16);parseInt(" F",16);parseInt("17",8);parseInt(021,8);parseInt("015",10);parseInt(15.99,10);parseInt("FXX123",16);parseInt("1111",2);parseInt("15*3",10);parseInt("15e2",10);parseInt("15px",10);parseInt("12",13);//Return: 15
Ejemplo 6: cómo tomar valor del cuadro de texto html usando parseint javascript
<!--GETVALUE/INTEGERFROMHTMLTEXTBOX/<INPUT>--><!--Firstset up your input box within the <body> tag --><input id="example"><!-- you are able to set the id to whatever you like,
just make sure it is unique to your page and is
understandable --><script><!--Usethis tag within the body to write javascript in--></script><!--Inside the script tag, use parseInt() to grab value and assign it
to a variable to use later --><script>var examplevar =parseInt(document.getElementById("example").value);</script><!--Make sure to set the identifier/id of the .geteElementBy tag to the id of
the textbox you want to grab the value from, or else it will result in
an error message.--><!--You now have a variable that can be used for math equations in
javascript -->
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