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ejemplo de codigo javascript onkeypress

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Ejemplo 1: presionar una tecla javascript

The keypress event has been deprecated, 
you should look to use beforeinput :
or keydown :
instead.(And don't forget to like answers that help you !)

Ejemplo 2: html onkeypress

<input type="text" onkeypress="myFunction()">

Ejemplo 3: agregar evento de pulsación de tecla de detector de eventos en javascript

let msg =document.getDocumentById('#message');

msg.addEventListener("keydown",(event)=>// handle keydown);

msg.addEventListener("keypress",(event)=>// handle keypress);

msg.addEventListener("keyup",(event)=>// handle keyup);

Ejemplo 4: if keypress javascript

// Create your variable and asssign it to your ID or Class in the document using document.querySelector.let name =document.querySelector('#exampleInputEmail1');// Now use your variable and add an event listener to it plus your keypress, event and styling
name.addEventListener("keypress",(event)=>"3px solid #28a745";);

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