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ejemplo de código java de números a palabras

Ejemplo: número a palabras java

classNumberToWordExample1//user-defined static method that converts a number into words  staticvoidnumberToWords(char num[])//determines the number of digits in the given number  int len = num.length;//checks the given number has number or not  if(len ==0)//if the given number is empty prints the following statement     System.out.println("The string is empty.");return;//here, we have specified the length of the number to 4  //it means that the number (that you want to convert) should be four or less than four digits  if(len >4)//if the given number is more than four-digit number, it prints the following statement    System.out.println("n The given number has more than 4 digits.");return;//string type array for one-digit numbers    String[] onedigit =newString[]"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine";//string type array for two digits numbers    //the first index is empty because it makes indexing easy   String[] twodigits =newString[]"","Ten","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen";//string type array of tens multiples   //the first two indexes are empty because it makes indexing easy   String[] multipleoftens =newString[]"","","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety";//string type array of power of tens   String[] poweroftens =newString[]"Hundred","Thousand";//Used for debugging purpose only   //the valueOf() method returns the string representation of the character array argument  System.out.print(String.valueOf(num)+": ");//checks whether the length of the given string is one or not  if(len ==1)//if the above condition returns true, it accesses the corresponding index and prints the value of that index  //[num[0]-'0']: getting the number equal the decimal value of the character (assuming the char is the digit)  System.out.println(onedigit[num[0]-'0']);return;int x =0;//executes until num does not become not ''  while(x < num.length)//executes if the length of the string is greater than equal to three  if(len >=3)if(num[x]-'0'!=0)System.out.print(onedigit[num[x]-'0']+" ");//here length can be 3 or 4  System.out.print(poweroftens[len -3]+" ");//decrements the length of the string by 1  --len;//executes if the given number has two digits  else//the if-statement handles the numbers from 10 to 19 only     if(num[x]-'0'==1)//adding the digits of the given number   //the logic behind sum up the digits is that we will use the sum for accessing the index of the array   //for example: 17, sum of digits = 8  //we will access the 8th index in twodigits[] array i.e. Seventeen  int sum = num[x]-'0'+ num[x +1]-'0';System.out.println(twodigits[sum]);return;//the else-if statement handles the number 20 only  //compares the tens and unit place with 2 and 0 respectively  elseif(num[x]-'0'==2&& num[x +1]-'0'==0)//executes if the above else-if condition returns true    System.out.println("Twenty");return;//the else block handles the numbers from 21 to 100  elseint i =(num[x]-'0');if(i >0)//prints the ith index element of the array multipleoftens[]  System.out.print(multipleoftens[i]+" ");else//prints space  System.out.print("");//increments the variable i by 1  ++x;//checks whether the number is not equal to zero, it means the number has only a digit  if(num[x]-'0'!=0)//prints the ith index element of the array onedigit[]  System.out.println(onedigit[num[x]-'0']);//increments the variable i by 1  ++x;//main() method  publicstaticvoidmain(String args[])//calling the user-defined method and that invokes another predefined method toCharArray()  //the method toCharArray() converts the given number into character array  numberToWords("1111".toCharArray());numberToWords("673".toCharArray());numberToWords("85".toCharArray());numberToWords("5".toCharArray());numberToWords("0".toCharArray());numberToWords("20".toCharArray());numberToWords("1000".toCharArray());numberToWords("12345".toCharArray());//passing empty string   numberToWords("".toCharArray());

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