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ejemplo de código hs512 jwt

Ejemplo 1: codificación jwt

jwt.encode( { 'client_id':'value', 'expires_in':'datetime'}, SECRET_KEY, algorithm='HS256' )

Convert datetime to string because in the backend is a json encode system 
and it will generate a TypeError
ex: TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable

Ejemplo 2: decodificar el token csrf en línea

  "alg": "CfDJ8OW5OI0CPGJBgSNlGwO0x4YF7qbYKVv7KOO-N0eFtDUzXOrL7F9Xd9W1otVi4ueJOkAmAhuoHFWNkqRaFD7zvAMHMSKncl6Vo5QXKmpvy6vqxOKxSURdIey8aZPRi3Nnhp2p9la-Al5xrVKz0lignRdcCHf3O7pF9zv_sNx_c_T7pUe3WsxaJEPX3t_9FO2Wjw"

Ejemplo 3: jwt

JSON Web Token is an Internet standard for creating data with optional
signature and/or optional encryption whose payload holds JSON that asserts
some number of claims.

The tokens are signed either using a private secret or a public/private key.
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