Ejemplo: tragar ftp al sitio
'use strict'
var gulp = require('gulp')
var gutil = require('gulp-util')
var ftp = require('vinyl-ftp')
/** Configuration **/
var user = process.env.FTP_USER
var password = process.env.FTP_PWD
var host="your hostname or ip address"
var port = 21
var localFilesGlob = ['./**/*']
var remoteFolder="/myApp"
// helper function to build an FTP connection based on our configuration
function getFtpConnection() {
return ftp.create({
host: host,
port: port,
user: user,
password: password,
parallel: 5,
log: gutil.log,
* Deploy task.
* Copies the new files to the server
* Usage: `FTP_USER=someuser FTP_PWD=somepwd gulp ftp-deploy`
gulp.task('ftp-deploy', function() {
var conn = getFtpConnection()
return gulp
.src(localFilesGlob, { base: '.', buffer: false })
.pipe(conn.newer(remoteFolder)) // only upload newer files
* Watch deploy task.
* Watches the local copy for changes and copies the new files to the server whenever an update is detected
* Usage: `FTP_USER=someuser FTP_PWD=somepwd gulp ftp-deploy-watch`
gulp.task('ftp-deploy-watch', function() {
var conn = getFtpConnection()
gulp.watch(localFilesGlob).on('change', function(event) {
'Changes detected! Uploading file "' + event.path + '", ' + event.type
return gulp
.src([event.path], { base: '.', buffer: false })
.pipe(conn.newer(remoteFolder)) // only upload newer files
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