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ejemplo de código de vmware workstation pro

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Ejemplo 1: estación de trabajo vmware centos 6

How to install CentOS in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select CentOS Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the CentOS setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

Ejemplo 2: estación de trabajo vmware RHEL

How to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select Red Hat Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the Red Hat setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

Ejemplo 3: estación de trabajo 13 de debian vm

How to install Debian in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select Debian Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the Debian setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

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