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Ejemplo de código de ventana emergente de Python Turtle

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Ejemplo 1: hacer una ventana emergente en python

from tkinter import*defalert_popup(title, message, path):"""Generate a pop-up window for special messages."""
    root = Tk()
    w =400# popup window width
    h =200# popup window height
    sw = root.winfo_screenwidth()
    sh = root.winfo_screenheight()
    x =(sw - w)/2
    y =(sh - h)/2
    root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d'%(w, h, x, y))
    m = message
    m +='n'
    m += path
    w = Label(root, text=m, width=120, height=10)
    b = Button(root, text="OK", command=root.destroy, width=10)

Ejemplo 2: círculo de tortuga () python

import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
t.color(color)# choose a color
t.begin_fill()# if you want it to be filled with color later the function "circle" and the radious.
t.end_fill()# completing the filling of the circle. # try to do it and see if it works. it worked for me.

Ejemplo 3: configuración de la tortuga Python

import turtle
window_Name = turtle.Sreen()
turtle_Name = turtle.Turtle()

Tienes la posibilidad mostrar esta división si te valió la pena.

¡Haz clic para puntuar esta entrada!
(Votos: 0 Promedio: 0)

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