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ejemplo de código de variables de instancia de clase python

Elías, miembro de este equipo, nos hizo el favor de crear esta sección porque controla perfectamente dicho tema.

Ejemplo 1: variable de instancia en python

class Car:    wheels =4#<- Class variable    def __init__(self, name): = name    #<- Instance variable

Ejemplo 2: declarar la clase python

# To create a simple class:
class Shape:
  	def __init__():print("A new shape has been created!")
    def get_area(self):

# To create a class that uses inheritance and polymorphism
# from another class:
class Rectangle(Shape):
	def __init__(self, height, width):# The constructor
        self.height = height
    	self.width = width

	def get_area(self):return self.height * self.width

Ejemplo 3: que es una instancia de ython

An object belonging to a class. e.g.if you had an Employee class, each 
individual employee would be an instance of the Employee class

Ejemplo 4: llamar a la clase de instancia python

# define class
class example:# define __call__ function
   def __call__(self):print("It worked!")# create instance
g =example()# when attempting to call instance of class it will call the __class method
g()# prints It worked!

Ejemplo 5: clase Python

class Dog(object):
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def speak(self):print("Hi I'm ",,'and I am', self.age,'Years Old')

JUB0T =Dog('JUB0T',55)
Friend =Dog('Doge',10)

Ejemplo 6: variable de clase en python

# Class variables refer to variables that are made within a class.# It is generated when you define the class.# It's shared with all the instance of that class.# Example:

class some_variable_holder(object):
    var ="This variable is created inside the class some_variable_holder()."
    def somefunc(self):print("Random function ran.")

thing =some_variable_holder()
another_thing =some_variable_holder()# Both does the same thing because the same variable has been passed on from the class.

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