Revisamos de forma exhaustivamente cada uno de los escritos de nuestra página web con la meta de mostrarte en todo momento la información más veraz y certera.
Ejemplo 1: escena de carga unitaria
usingUnityEngine.SceneManagement;int buildIndex =0;//Load the scene with a build index
Ejemplo 2: devolución de llamada unity loadsceneasync
usingSystem.Collections;usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEngine.SceneManagement;publicclassExample:MonoBehaviourvoidUpdate()// Press the space key to start coroutineif(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))// Use a coroutine to load the Scene in the backgroundStartCoroutine(LoadYourAsyncScene());IEnumeratorLoadYourAsyncScene()// The Application loads the Scene in the background as the current Scene runs.// This is particularly good for creating loading screens.// You could also load the Scene by using sceneBuildIndex. In this case Scene2 has// a sceneBuildIndex of 1 as shown in Build Settings.AsyncOperation asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("Scene2");// Wait until the asynchronous scene fully loadswhile(!asyncLoad.isDone)yieldreturnnull;
Ejemplo 3: unity cómo cargar una escena
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