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Ejemplo 1: temporizadores en Android Studio
// a simple 5 second timer in android studio// the first value is the duration of timer in miliseconds// and second value is intervale of one tick in milisecondsCountDownTimer timer =newCountDownTimer(5000,1000)@OverridepublicvoidonTick(long millisUntilFinished)// divide the millisUntilFinished by 1000 because it is in milisecondsint sec =Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(millisUntilFinished /1000));Log.i(TAG,"secs left"+ sec );
binding.timeProgress.setProgress(0);@OverridepublicvoidonFinish();// and add timer.start() where you have to strt the timer// and add timer.cancle() where you have to cancle it
Ejemplo 2: temporizador de Android
privateint counter;TimerTask timerTask =newTimerTask()@Overridepublicvoidrun()Log.e("TimerTask",String.valueOf(counter));
counter++;;Timer timer =newTimer();
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