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ejemplo de código de problema de herencia múltiple c ++

Recuerda que en las ciencias un problema casi siempere suele tener diversas soluciones, de igual modo aquí mostraremos lo más óptimo y mejor.

Ejemplo 1: ¿Cuál es el significado de herencia en C ++? Escribe un ejemplo de herencia simple.

Inheritance is one of the key features of Object-oriented programming in C++.
It allows us to create a new class (derived class) from an existing class (base class).

The derived class inherits the features from the base class and can have additional features of its own. 
  For example,

class Animal 
    // eat() function
    // sleep() function

class Dog : public Animal 
    // bark() function
Here, the Dog class is derived from the Animal class. 
Since Dog is derived from Animal, members of Animal are accessible to Dog.

Notice the use of the keyword public while inheriting Dog from Animal.

class Dog : public Animal ...;
We can also use the keywords private and protected instead of public

// C++ program to demonstrate inheritance

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// base class
class Animal 

    void eat() 
        cout << "I can eat!" << endl;

    void sleep() 
        cout << "I can sleep!" << endl;

// derived class
class Dog : public Animal 
    void bark() 
        cout << "I can bark! Woof woof!!" << endl;

int main() 
    // Create object of the Dog class
    Dog dog1;

    // Calling members of the base class;

    // Calling member of the derived class

    return 0;


I can eat!
I can sleep!
I can bark! Woof woof!!
Here, dog1 (the object of derived class Dog) can access members of the base class Animal.
It's because Dog is inherited from Animal.

Ejemplo 2: herencia múltiple en c ++

using namespace std; 

class A 
A()  cout << "A's constructor called" << endl;  

class B 
B()  cout << "B's constructor called" << endl;  

class C: public B, public A // Note the order 
C()  cout << "C's constructor called" << endl;  

int main() 
	C c; 
	return 0; 

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