Nuestros mejores programadores agotaron sus provisiones de café, buscando noche y día por la respuesta, hasta que Carmen halló el resultado en Gitea y hoy la compartimos contigo.
Ejemplo: enviar correo electrónico desde
'You will need the following tools:'5 textboxes (txtFrom, txtPass, txtTo, txtSubject, txtMessage)'5 labels (labelling each of the text boxes)'2 buttons (btnSend, btnExit)Imports System.Net.Mail
PublicClass Form1
PrivateSub Form1_Load(sender AsObject, e As EventArgs)HandlesMyBase.Load
txtPass.PasswordChar = Chr(149)EndSubPrivateSub btnSend_Click(sender AsObject, e As EventArgs)Handles btnSend.Click
TryDim mail AsNew MailMessage
'this program will send an email to another user via Outlook'as shown belowDim smtpServer AsNew SmtpClient("")'you can change 'outlook' with another email sending website, such as Gmail
mail.From =New MailAddress(txtFrom.Text)
mail.Subject = txtSubject.Text
mail.Body = txtMessage.Text
'checking the user's details
smtpServer.Port =587
smtpServer.Credentials =New System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtFrom.Text, txtPass.Text)
smtpServer.EnableSsl =True
smtpServer.Send(mail)'confirmation message to the user
MsgBox("Your email has been sent", MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxButtons.OK)Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical)EndTryEndSub'exit buttonPrivateSub btnExit_Click(sender AsObject, e As EventArgs)Handles btnExit.Click
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