Ejemplo 1: Python comenta varias líneas
#There is no way to comment multiple lines in Python.
#You just keep using "#" symbol to comment each line out.
Technically you could also use triple single quotation
marks like so, but this formatting does not count
as "true" source code comments that are removed by
a Python parser.
Ejemplo 2: comentario multilínea de pycharm
If the PyCharm IDE is used to write Python code – select multiple code rows to comment and press keyshot Ctrl + / to comment all of them.
Ejemplo 3: cómo comentar varias líneas en el texto sublime de python ion
To comment Multiple Lines over Sublime Text for a python Code
For Mac Users:
Press: 'cmd' + "https://foroayuda.es/"
For Windows Users:
Press: 'ctrl' + "https://foroayuda.es/"
Ejemplo 4: pycharm mueve varias líneas a la izquierda
shift + tab
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