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ejemplo de código de matriz de trazabilidad de requisitos

Ejemplo 1: ¿que es la matriz de trazabilidad de requisitos?

Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and 
traces user requirement with test cases. 
It captures all requirements proposed by the client and requirement 
traceability in a single document, delivered at the conclusion of 
the Software devlopement life cycle. The main purpose of 
Requirement Traceability Matrix is to validate that all requirements 
are checked via test cases such that no functionality is unchecked 
during Software testing.

We use Jira XRAY for the RTM and it generates XRAY reports to track 
the test cases. It gives me detailed report of test cases and requirements.
It gives me how many test execution, how many test run, total tests, fails, 

Ejemplo 2: matriz de trazabilidad hacia adelante

Mapping requirements to test cases is 
called Forward Traceability Matrix. 
It is used to ensure whether the project
progresses in the desired direction. 
It makes sure that each requirement 
is tested thoroughly.

Ejemplo 3: matriz de trazabilidad de los requisitos

Requirement Traceability Matrix
(RTM) is a document that maps and 
traces user requirement with test cases. 
It captures all requirements
proposed by the client and requirement 
traceability in a single document,
delivered at the conclusion of 
the Software devlopement life cycle. 
The main purpose of 
Requirement Traceability Matrix is to 
validate that all requirements 
are checked via test cases such that
no functionality is unchecked 
during Software testing.

We use Jira XRAY for the RTM and it
generates XRAY reports to track 
the test cases. It gives me detailed 
report of test cases and requirements.
It gives me how many test execution, 
how many test run, total tests, fails, 

Ejemplo 4: ventajas de la matriz de trazabilidad de requisitos

1-Helps to achieve 100% test coverage

2-It allows to identify the missing
  functionality easily
3-It allows identifying the test cases
 which needs to be updated in
 case of a change in requirement
4-It is easy to track the overall
 test execution status

Ejemplo 5: matriz de trazabilidad hacia adelante frente a matriz de trazabilidad hacia atrás

Mapping test cases to requirements are
called Backward Traceability Matrix.
It is used to ensure whether the current
product remains on the right track.
It makes sure that we are not expanding 
the scope of the project by adding 
functionality that is not specified
in the requirements.

Mapping requirements to test cases is 
called Forward Traceability Matrix. 
It is used to ensure whether the project
progresses in the desired direction. 
It makes sure that each requirement 
is tested thoroughly.
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