Este team de expertos despúes de algunos días de investigación y de recopilar de información, hemos dado con la solución, queremos que te resulte útil en tu trabajo.
Ejemplo 1: ¿cómo se implementan las pruebas basadas en datos en el marco?
2.Excel file with the help ofApachePOI3.JSON or CSV file forAPI testing
4.Data which comes fromDatabase and stores in collections
To use the DataProvider feature in the test cases,
you have to declare a method annotated by @DataProvider
and then use the said method in the test method
using the ‘dataProvider‘ attribute
in the @Test annotation.CUCUMBER/JUNIT:1.Scenario outline
2.Excel file with the help ofApachePOI3.JSON or CSV file forAPI testing
4.Data which comes fromDatabase and stores in collections
5. @ParameterizedTest-->If you use JUnit-5ExamplesforParameterizedTest:
@ValueSource(ints =1,2,3,4)==>
it can be ints/strings/booleans/chars(those are keywords)publicvoidvalidateRegionNameTest1(int id)
@CsvSource("1, Europe","2, Americas","3, Asia","4, Middle East and Africa")publicvoidvalidateRegionNameTest2(int id,String name)
@CsvFileSource(resources ="/regions.csv")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => a=0, b=1, sum=2")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => pet=''0''")
@EnumSource(value =Pet.class, names ="CAT")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => a=0, b=1, sum=2")
Ejemplo 2: marco de pruebas basado en datos
2.Excel file with the help ofApachePOI3.JSON or CSV file forAPI testing
4.Data which comes fromDatabase and stores in collections
To use the DataProvider feature in the
test cases, you have to declare a method
annotated by @DataProvider and then use
the said method in the test method using
the ‘dataProvider‘ attribute in the @Test annotation.CUCUMBER/JUNIT:1.Scenario outline
2.Excel file with the help ofApachePOI3.JSON or CSV file forAPI testing
4.Data which comes fromDatabase and stores in collections
5. @ParameterizedTest-->If you use JUnit-5ExamplesforParameterizedTest:
@ValueSource(ints =1,2,3,4)==>
it can be ints/strings/booleans/chars(those are keywords)publicvoidvalidateRegionNameTest1(int id)
@CsvSource("1, Europe","2, Americas","3, Asia","4, Middle East and Africa")publicvoidvalidateRegionNameTest2(int id,String name)
@CsvFileSource(resources ="/regions.csv")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => a=0, b=1, sum=2")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => pet=''0''")
@EnumSource(value =Pet.class, names ="CAT")
@ParameterizedTest(name ="index => a=0, b=1, sum=2")
Ejemplo 3: pruebas basadas en datos
Whenever a functionality or a module in an app
requires testing with multiple sets ofdata(Parametrization),Multiple inputs then we need to perform data driven testing and
automation.These scenarios are one of the things That must be automated.I would do it by seperating Test data from code and stored into external
sources like
CucumberExamples table,Excel files,CSV files,Database.Data driven testing has lots of benefits like
More organized,Data centralized, and so on
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