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ejemplo de código de hoja de trucos de piratería de Google

Daniella, miembro de este gran staff, nos hizo el favor de redactar este artículo porque domina perfectamente este tema.

Ejemplo: hoja de trucos de piratería de Google intitle:"index of" drupal intitle:"index of" admin inurl:login.cgi    Pages Containing Login Portals site:/joomla/administrator inurl:/login/index.jsp -site:hertz.* intitle:"Index of" inurl:wp-json/oembed     intitle:"Index of" phpmyadmin intitle:"Index of" wp-admin intitle:index.of.?.sql inurl: /filemanager/dialog.php s3 filetype:log inurl:cgi/ and intext:scheduled for site:*/auth intitle:login nurl: admin/login.aspx    Pages Containing Login Portals "Index of" inurl:webalizer "Index of" inurl:phpmyadmin "Index of" inurl:htdocs inurl:xampp s3 intext:dhcp filetype:txt inurl:apollo inurl:/index.aspx/login inurl:login.php intitle:"IIS Windows Server" -inurl:"IIS Windows Server" intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works"     inurl:/filedown.php?file= inurl:Dashboard.jspa intext:"Atlassian Jira Project Management Software" inurl:app/kibana intext:Loading Kibana site: edit inurl:8443 AND -intitle:8443 AND -intext:8443 prohibited|restricted|unauthorized intitle:"index of" unattend.xml inurl:/admin/index.php intitle:index of inurl:office365 AND intitle:"Sign In | Login | Portal" intext:"" AND intext:"" filetype:sql intitle:OmniDB intext:"user. pwd. Sign in." intitle:"qBittorrent Web UI" inurl:8080 site:com inurl:jboss filetype:log intitle:"index of" ".cpanel/caches/config/" inurl:'/scopia/entry/index.jsp'inurl:/index.aspx/login intitle: "index of" "./" "./bitcoin" inurl:/portal/apis/fileExplorer/ intitle:"index of" "/aws.s3/" intitle:"index of" hosts.csv | firewalls.csv | linux.csv | windows.csv intitle:Test Page for the Nginx HTTP Server on Fedora inurl:_cpanel/forgotpwd intitle:"index of /" intext:/backup intitle:"Swagger UI - " + "Show/Hide" /preview intext:movie inurl:flv | wmv | mp4 -pdf -edit -view intext:"class JConfig {" inurl:configuration.php "index of" ""

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