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ejemplo de código de gráfico de temperatura de cpu conky

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Ejemplo: temperatura de la CPU conky

Please see this thread and note the answer by JeanFI.

Basically it amounts toneedingtoreview the hardware specification which will tell you the output that relates totheCPU.

To add the display toconky once you are aware of the value (using k10temp-pci-00c3 in this example) you would insert:

$ exec sensors | grep 'k10temp-pci-00c3'| awk 'print $3'}The grep pipe is used tosearch the output of sensors and display only information that matches.

The awk pipe is used toselect the correct field from the output of sensors/grep. This means that you can substitute $3for another value if it is not displaying the correct part (i.e $1,$2,$all).

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