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ejemplo de código de generador de expresiones regulares en línea

Buscamos en el mundo on line y así mostrarte la solución para tu duda, si continúas con dificultades déjanos la pregunta y te contestamos con gusto, porque estamos para servirte.

Ejemplo 1: probador de expresiones regulares de Python

Find below are online regex tester
Here you insert your regular expression and get the test result.
Thank you !!!

Ejemplo 2: constructor de expresiones regulares en línea

it do it's job greate in my opinion, don't waste your time on others

Ejemplo 3: expresión regular

Let regex;/* shorthand character classes */
regex =/d/;// matches any digit, short for [0-9]
regex =/D/;// matches non-digits, short for [^0-9]
regex =/S/;// matches non-white space character
regex =/s/;// matches any white space character
regex =/w/;// matches character, short for [a-zA-Z_0-9]
regex =/W/;// matches non-word character [^w]
regex =/b/;// Matches a word boundary where a word character is [a-zA-Z0-9_]
These meta characters boast a pre-defined meaning and make various typical patterns easier to use./* matching using quantifiers */
regex=/X./;// matches any character
regex=/X*/;// Matches zero or several repetitions of letter X, is short for 0,
regex=/X+-/;// matches one or more repetitions of letter X, is short for 1,
regex=/X?/;// finds no or exactly one letter X, is short for is short for 0,1.
regex=// d3; // matches three digits.  describes the order of the preceding liberal
regex=// d1,4 ; // means d must occur at least once and at a maximum of fourA quantifies helps developers to define how often an element occurs./* character ranges */
regex =/[a-z]/;// matches all lowercase letters
regex =/[A-Z]/;// matches all uppercase letters
regex =/[e-l]/;// matches lowercase letters e to l (inclusive)
regex =/[F-P]/;// matches all uppercase letters F to P (inclusive)
regex =/[0-9]/;// matches all digits
regex =/[5-9]/;// matches any digit from 5 to 9 (inclusive)
regex =/[a-d1-7]/;// matches a letter between a and d and figures from 1 to 7, but not d1
regex =/[a-zA-Z]/;// matches all lowercase and uppercase letters
regex =/[^a-zA-Z]/;// matches non-letters/* matching using anchors */
regex =/^The/;// matches any string that starts with “The”
regex =/end$/;// matches a string that ends with end
regex =/^The end$/;// exact string match starting with “The” and ending with “End”/* escape characters */
regex =/ a/;// match a bell or alarm
regex =/ e/;// matches an escape
regex =/ f/;// matches a form feed
regex =/ n/;// matches a new line
regex =/QE/;// ingnores any special meanings in what is being matched
regex =/ r/;// matches a carriage return
regex =/ v/;// matches a vertical tab
It is critical to note that escape characters are case sensitive
/* matching using flags */
regex =/ i/;// ignores the case in pattern ( upper and lower case allowed)
regex =/ m/;// multi-line match
regex =/ s/;// match new lines
regex =/ x/;// allow spaces and comments
regex =/ j/;// duplicate group names allowed
regex =/U/;// ungreedy match

Ejemplo 4: regex /

// replaces all / in a String with _
str = str.replace(///g,'_');

Ejemplo 5: expresión regular de la consola


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