Ejemplo: Cómo crear archivos PDF en Node.js usando PDF Kit
This code comes from Vincent Lab
And it has a video version linked here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR8Q43bJfwc
// Import dependencies
const fs = require("fs");
const PDFDocument = require("./pdfkit-tables");
// Load the patients
const patients = require("./patients.json");
// Create The PDF document
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe the PDF into a patient's file
// Add the header - https://pspdfkit.com/blog/2019/generate-invoices-pdfkit-node/
.image("logo.png", 50, 45, { width: 50 })
.text("Patient Information.", 110, 57)
.text("725 Fowler Avenue", 200, 65, { align: "right" })
.text("Chamblee, GA 30341", 200, 80, { align: "right" })
// Create the table - https://www.andronio.me/2017/09/02/pdfkit-tables/
const table = {
headers: ["Name", "Address", "Phone", "Birthday", "Email Address", "Blood Type", "Height", "Weight"],
rows: []
// Add the patients to the table
for (const patient of patients) {
table.rows.push([patient.name, patient.address, patient.phone, patient.birthday, patient.emailAddress, patient.bloodType, patient.height, patient.weight])
// Draw the table
doc.moveDown().table(table, 10, 125, { width: 590 });
// Finalize the PDF and end the stream
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