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Ejemplo: heap sort heapify y max heap en árbol binario
Implementation of heap sort in C:#include int main()int heap[10], array_size, i, j, c, root, temporary;
printf("n Enter size of array to be sorted :");
printf("n Enter the elements of array : ");for(i =0; i < array_size; i++)
scanf("%d",&heap[i]);for(i =1; i < array_size; i++)
c = i;
root =(c -1)/2;if(heap[root]< heap[c])/* to create MAX heap array *///if child is greater than parent swap them
temporary = heap[root];//as structure is of complete binary tree
heap[root]= heap[c];// it took logn steps to reach from root to leaf
heap[c]= temporary;
c = root;while(c !=0);
printf("Heap array : ");for(i =0; i < array_size; i++)
printf("%dt ", heap[i]);//printing the heap array
for(j = array_size -1; j >=0; j--)
temporary = heap[0];
heap[0]= heap[j];/* swap max element with rightmost leaf element */
heap[j]= temporary;
root =0;
c =2* root +1;/* left node of root element */if((heap[c]< heap[c +1])&& c < j-1)
c++;if(heap[root]<heap[c]&& c<j)/* again rearrange to max heap array */
temporary = heap[root];
heap[root]= heap[c];
heap[c]= temporary;
root = c;while(c < j);
printf("n The sorted array is : ");for(i =0; i < array_size; i++)
printf("t %d", heap[i]);
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