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ejemplo de código de clasificación de animales del zoológico del planeta

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Ejemplo: clasificaciones de animales del zoológico del planeta

Some animals seem to be just more in "the spotlight" then others. My lions for example hit five stars pretty fast. My warthogs have sometimes five stars aswell. I think the following things impact this:

1: Stats of the animals, Goldies get faster 5 stars.
2: Species themselves, Lions are more impressive then warthogs for example.
3: Quality of food
4: The amount of breeding
5: A habitat that is very accessable to the population ( No super big habitats where guests can't see the animals as much as they would like)
6: How much donations the animal recieve. For example my warthogs recieve nearly as much donations as my lions, people just love that they can constantly see them upon very close.

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