Luego de de una extensa selección de datos resolvimos esta preocupación que suelen tener algunos de nuestros usuarios. Te compartimos la respuesta y deseamos serte de gran apoyo.
Ejemplo 1: Python de la clase de nodo
You need to find the last node without a .nextEl pointer and add the node there:
def add(self, newNode):
node = self.firstNodewhile node.nextEl is not None:
node = next.nextEl
node.nextEl= newNode
Becausethis has to traverse the whole list, most linked-list implementations also keep a reference to the last element:classList(object):
first = last =None
def __init__(self, fnode):
def add(self, newNode):if self.first is None:
self.first= self.last= newNode
self.last.nextEl= self.last= newNode
BecausePython assigns to multiple targets from left to right, self.last.nextEl is set to newNode before self.last.Some style notes on your code:Use is None and is not None to test if an identifier points to None(it's a singleton).There is no need for accessors inPython; just refer to the attributes directly.Unlessthis is Python3, use new-style classes by inheriting from object:classNode(object):
# ...
Ejemplo 2: nodo de Python
def __init__(self, data):
self.right=None data
def PrintTree(self):print(
root =Node(10)
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