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ejemplo de código de clase de nodo de Python

Luego de de una extensa selección de datos resolvimos esta preocupación que suelen tener algunos de nuestros usuarios. Te compartimos la respuesta y deseamos serte de gran apoyo.

Ejemplo 1: Python de la clase de nodo

You need to find the last node without a .nextEl pointer and add the node there:

def add(self, newNode):
    node = self.firstNodewhile node.nextEl is not None:
        node = next.nextEl
    node.nextEl= newNode
Becausethis has to traverse the whole list, most linked-list implementations also keep a reference to the last element:classList(object):
    first = last =None

    def __init__(self, fnode):

    def add(self, newNode):if self.first is None:
            self.first= self.last= newNode
            self.last.nextEl= self.last= newNode
BecausePython assigns to multiple targets from left to right, self.last.nextEl is set to newNode before self.last.Some style notes on your code:Use is None and is not None to test if an identifier points to None(it's a singleton).There is no need for accessors inPython; just refer to the attributes directly.Unlessthis is Python3, use new-style classes by inheriting from object:classNode(object):
    # ...

Ejemplo 2: nodo de Python


    def __init__(self, data):

        self.right=None data

    def PrintTree(self):print(

root =Node(10)


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