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Ejemplo 1: tutorial de carrito de la compra de laravel 7
publicfunctionaddToCart($id)$product=Product::find($id);if(!$product)abort(404);$cart=session()->get('cart');// if cart is empty then this the first productif(!$cart)$cart=[$id=>["name"=>$product->name,"quantity"=>1,"price"=>$product->price,"photo"=>$product->photo]];session()->put('cart',$cart);returnredirect()->back()->with('success','Product added to cart successfully!');// if cart not empty then check if this product exist then increment quantityif(isset($cart[$id]))$cart[$id]['quantity']++;session()->put('cart',$cart);returnredirect()->back()->with('success','Product added to cart successfully!');// if item not exist in cart then add to cart with quantity = 1$cart[$id]=["name"=>$product->name,"quantity"=>1,"price"=>$product->price,"photo"=>$product->photo];session()->put('cart',$cart);returnredirect()->back()->with('success','Product added to cart successfully!');
Ejemplo 2: Carrito :: valor de formato de número de retorno total laravel
For the alternative
which is the forked project of and also support the latest Laravel versions.
There is a method called `Cart::totalFloat()` which will return you float value
for the cart total.
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