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ejemplo de código de biblioteca de multiplicación de matrices c

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Ejemplo 1: cómo hacer una multiplicación de matrices en c

double[][] c = new double[N][N];for(int i =0; i < N; i++)for(int j =0; j < N; j++)for(int k =0; k < N; k++)
		 c[i][j]+= a[i][k]* b[k][j];

Ejemplo 2: multiplicación de matrices en c

#include// function to get matrix elements entered by the uservoidgetMatrixElements(int matrix[][10],int row,int column)printf("nEnter elements: n");for(int i =0; i < row;++i)for(int j =0; j < column;++j)printf("Enter a%d%d: ", i +1, j +1);scanf("%d",&matrix[i][j]);// function to multiply two matricesvoidmultiplyMatrices(int first[][10],int second[][10],int result[][10],int r1,int c1,int r2,int c2)// Initializing elements of matrix mult to 0.for(int i =0; i < r1;++i)for(int j =0; j < c2;++j)
         result[i][j]=0;// Multiplying first and second matrices and storing it in resultfor(int i =0; i < r1;++i)for(int j =0; j < c2;++j)for(int k =0; k < c1;++k)
            result[i][j]+= first[i][k]* second[k][j];// function to display the matrixvoiddisplay(int result[][10],int row,int column)printf("nOutput Matrix:n");for(int i =0; i < row;++i)for(int j =0; j < column;++j)printf("%d  ", result[i][j]);if(j == column -1)printf("n");intmain()int first[10][10], second[10][10], result[10][10], r1, c1, r2, c2;printf("Enter rows and column for the first matrix: ");scanf("%d %d",&r1,&c1);printf("Enter rows and column for the second matrix: ");scanf("%d %d",&r2,&c2);// Taking input until// 1st matrix columns is not equal to 2nd matrix rowwhile(c1 != r2)printf("Error! Enter rows and columns again.n");printf("Enter rows and columns for the first matrix: ");scanf("%d%d",&r1,&c1);printf("Enter rows and columns for the second matrix: ");scanf("%d%d",&r2,&c2);// get elements of the first matrixgetMatrixElements(first, r1, c1);// get elements of the second matrixgetMatrixElements(second, r2, c2);// multiply two matrices.multiplyMatrices(first, second, result, r1, c1, r2, c2);// display the resultdisplay(result, r1, c2);return0;

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