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Ejemplo 1: archivo de copia c#
File.Copy(Path.Combine(sourceDir, fName), Path.Combine(distDir, fName));
Ejemplo 2: mover archivo de una carpeta a otra c#
//take all files of main folder to folder model_RCCMrecTransfered string rootFolderPath =@"F:/model_RCCMREC/";string destinationPath =@"F:/model_RCCMrecTransfered/";string filesToDelete =@"*_DONE.wav";// Only delete WAV files ending by "_DONE" in their filenamesstring[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete);foreach(string file in fileList){string fileToMove = rootFolderPath + file;string moveTo = destinationPath + file;//moving file
File.Move(fileToMove, moveTo);
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