Nuestros mejores investigadores han agotado sus reservas de café, buscando noche y día por la resolución, hasta que Eliana halló la solución en GitLab así que hoy la compartimos con nosotros.
Ejemplo 1: API REST
["id":1,"username":"admin","email":"[email protected]","id":2,"username":"Vagner","email":"[email protected]","id":3,"username":"Administrator","email":"[email protected]"]
Ejemplo 2: API de descanso
When we send request, we need to know the API
methods/endpoints that are available:
-read documentation about API methods.- Swagger tool, that has API methods and descriptions
simple endpoint:
Typesof Requests:
GET ->Readdata
POST ->Create/insertdata
PUT ->UpdatedataDELETE->Deletedata
I send GET, POST, PUT,DELETEtypeof API requests to
API endpoint/method and get response.
ORDS (oracle data service) API -> HR Database
ORDS API has methods that we can send request to,and it sends
response withDatafrom HR database.
Aquí tienes las comentarios y calificaciones
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