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ejemplo de código cifrado césar

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Ejemplo 1: cifrado césar de python

def caesar_encrypt():
    word =input('Enter the plain text: ')
    c =''for i in word:if(i ==' '):
            c +=' 'else:
            c +=(chr(ord(i)+3))return c

def caesar_decrypt():
    word =input('Enter the cipher text: ')
    c =''for i in word:if(i ==' '):
            c +=' 'else:
            c +=(chr(ord(i)-3))return c
plain ='hello'
cipher =caesar_encrypt(plain)
decipher =caesar_decrypt(cipher)

Ejemplo 2: cifrado césar

functioncaesarCipher(str, shift)const alphabetArr ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("");let res ="";for(let i =0; i < str.length; i++)const char = str[i];const idx = alphabetArr.indexOf(char);// if it is not a letter, don`t shift itif(idx ===-1)
      res += char;continue;// only 26 letters in alphabet, if > 26 it wraps aroundconst encodedIdx =(idx + shift)%26;
    res += alphabetArr[encodedIdx];return res;

Ejemplo 3: cifrado de Caesars

constrot13=str=>let decodedCipher =''// The number 65 represents A which also is the begining of our alphabets. // The number 90 represents Z which also is the end of our alphabets.// Space and any other non-alpha character is less than 65(A) and greater than 90(Z).// Split and loop over every character
  str.split('').forEach(character=> letterChar >90? letterChar : letterChar +13// unicode minus 1 is greater or equal to 90(Z)// Set unicode to equal unicode minus 1, // we minus 1 cause unicode will give us the right operand instead of the left operand// eg N + 13 will give us B instead of A, so,// We substract the now(unicode-1) unicode from 90 to get the number left, then we add it to 65(A),// Cause we start from begining after we've met the endif((unicode -1)>=90) unicode =(((unicode -1)-90)+65)// Convert and add every character to cipher
    decodedCipher +=String.fromCharCode(unicode))return decodedCipher;rot13("GUR DHVPX OEBJA SBK WHZCF BIRE GUR YNML QBT.");// With love @kouqhar

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