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Diferencia entre paréntesis y corchetes en condicionales Bash

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Las pruebas que había enumerado:

  • Paréntesis simple – (…) está creando una subcapa
  • Paréntesis doble: ((…)) es para operaciones aritméticas
  • Corchete simple – [ … ] es la sintaxis para POSIX test
  • Corchetes Dobles – [[ … ]]es la sintaxis de las expresiones condicionales de bash (similar a test pero más poderoso)

no son exhaustivos, puede utilizar lógica booleana

if command; then ...

también, porque los comandos tienen estado de salida. En bash, 0 es true y > 0 es false.

Puede ver el estado de salida de esta manera:

echo $?

Ver :

El shell en sí solo ejecuta el comando y evalúa su código de salida. Un código de salida cero significa éxito; todos los demás valores indican falla.

if command; then
    : things to do if the exit code from command was 0
    : things to do if it was not 0

while command; do
    : things to do if the exit code was 0

El comando [ (aka test) is very commonly used in conditionals, because the original Bourne shell lacked built-in operators to check if a string was empty or a file existed. Modern shells have this command built in, and many shells have an extended and modernized version [[, but this is not properly portable to POSIX sh and should thus be avoided for portable scripts. This related question explains the differences between the two in more detail.

The notation (( ... )) introduces an arithmetic context. Again, this was something which was not part of the original Bourne shell (it had a dedicated external tool expr for these things) but modern shells have this built in. The result code of an arithmetic expression is 0 if the result of the arithmetic evaluation was not 0 (or an error).

The notation ( command ) creates a subshell and evaluates command in that. There are situations where this is actually necessary and useful, but if you are only just learning the syntax, you are unlikely to need this.

… In fact, in the majority of scripts I have seen this used in a conditional, it was clearly unnecessary.

Another antipattern to look out for is

if [ $? = 0 ];  entonces: cosas fi

Casi nunca debería necesitar examinar $? explícitamente, y en particular, compararlo con cero es algo if y whileespecíficamente hacer por ti detrás de escena. Esto simplemente debe ser refactorizado para

if command; then
    : ...

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