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Cuándo usar el ejemplo de código Sync vs Async C#

Luego de investigar con especialistas en este tema, programadores de varias áreas y profesores dimos con la solución al dilema y la dejamos plasmada en esta publicación.

Ejemplo 1: asíncrono vs sincronizado

synchronous (sync)- you can only execute one thing at a time
asynchronous (async)- you can execute multiple things at the same time

Ejemplo 2: espera asíncrona frente a c# síncrono

Task<string> getStringTask = client.GetStringAsync("");string urlContents =await getStringTask;
string urlContents =await client.GetStringAsync();

Calling await client.GetStringAsync() yields the execution to the calling method,
which means it won't wait for the method to finish executing,and thus won't block the thread. Once it's done executing inthe background,
the method will continuefromwhereit stopped.

If you just call client.GetString(), the thread's execution won't continue
until this method finished executing,
which will block the thread and may cause the UI to become unresponsive.

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