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crear interfaz de usuario en el ejemplo de código python

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Ejemplo 1: crear ventana con python

# basic setup
from tkinter import *

app = Tk() # the application itself
app.title("Test") # title of window

label = Label(app, text="Testing testing one, two, three") # creates label
label.pack() # adds the label to the window

app.mainloop() # this must go at the end of your window code

Ejemplo 2: tutorial de tkinter

# check this code first.
from tkinter import *

app = Tk()
# The title of the project
app.title("The title of the project")
# The size of the window

# Defining a funtion
def c():
    # Label
    m = Label(app, text="Text")

# Button
l = Button(app, text="The text of the Butoon", command=c)
# Packing the Button
# Quick Note : 
# When you put a command you should not use parentheses
# l = Button(app, text="The text of the Butoon", command=c)
# l = Button(app, text="The text of the Butoon", command=c())

Ejemplo 3: interfaz gráfica de usuario de Python

import tkinter as tk
#Importing the main module
window = tk.Tk()

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