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¿Creando búfer solo en una dirección específica usando ArcGIS for Desktop?

Posteriormente a buscar en varios repositorios y páginas webs al final nos encontramos con la respuesta que te enseñaremos a continuación.


Si puedes trabajar con arcpy en Python un poco, entonces podría usar algún script para generar estas zonas en una dirección específica. Hice algunos similares hace unas semanas, publicaré parte de mi guión para ayudarte.

import arcpy, math, gc
# Workspace, overwrite
arcpy.env.workspace = r"YOUR_WORKSPACE"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

objects_input = "objects.shp" # must be polygons
objects = "objects_lyr.shp"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(objects_input, objects)

# OUTPUTS, most temporal
result = "result.shp"
result_erase = "in_memory" + "\" + "result_erase"
polygon = "in_memory" + "\" + "polygon"
polygon_dissolve = "in_memory" + "\" + "polygon_dissolve"

arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace, result, "POLYGON")

# Parameters
distance = 300 # distance for move in direction
direction = 90 # direction in degrees (90 is from north to south)
index = 0

# Set UpdateCursor
cur_objects = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(objects, ("FID"))
for row_objects in cur_objects:
        fid = row_objects[0]
        sql = '"FID" = ' + str(index)
        index += 1

        # Initialize lists
        lines_list = []
        lines_created = []

        # Select current feature
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "NEW_SELECTION", sql)
        vertexes = "in_memory" + "\" + "vertexes"

        # Convert object to vertexes
        arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(objects, vertexes, "ALL")
        index_vertex = 0

        # Set SearchCursor for vertexes
        cur_vertexes = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(vertexes, ("[email protected]"))
        for row_vertexes in cur_vertexes:
            vertex_coords_x = row_vertexes[0][0]
            vertex_coords_y = row_vertexes[0][1]

            # Define points coordinates
            point_move_x = vertex_coords_x - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(direction))
            point_move_y = vertex_coords_y - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(90 - direction))

            # Make list of points
            new_line = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], [point_move_x, point_move_y]])

            # From second cycle
            if index_vertex > 0:
                lines_vertexes = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], start_line])
                lines_ends = ([[point_move_x, point_move_y], end_line])
            start_line = [vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y]
            end_line = [point_move_x, point_move_y]
            index_vertex = index_vertex + 1

        # Cycle that makes polylines from points
        for lines_step in lines_list:
            lines_created.append(arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*sour) for sour in lines_step])))

        arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management(lines_created, polygon)
        arcpy.AggregatePolygons_cartography(polygon, polygon_dissolve, 1)

        # Final editing
        arcpy.Erase_analysis(polygon_dissolve, objects, result_erase)
        arcpy.Append_management(result_erase, result, "NO_TEST")
        start_line = []

        # Clear selection, memory and deleting temps
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
        print "Object number: " + str(index - 1) + " -- done."

    # Catch errors
    except Exception as e:
        print "Error:"
        print e
        print "n"
        index += 1

Espero que lo puedan leer bien, tuve que traducir comentarios y variables.

Este es el guión que resuelve el problema. Crédito y muchas gracias a david_p que lo escribió. Solo agregué algunos paréntesis faltantes.

import arcpy, math, gc

# Workspace, overwrite 
arcpy.env.workspace = r"YOUR_WORKSPACE" 
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

objects_input = "objects.shp" # must be polygons 
objects = "objects_lyr.shp" 
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(objects_input, objects)

# OUTPUTS, most temporal 
result = "result.shp" 
result_erase = "in_memory" + "\" + "result_erase" 
polygon = "in_memory" + "\" + "polygon" 
polygon_dissolve = "in_memory" + "\" + "polygon_dissolve"

arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace, result, "POLYGON")

# Parameters 
distance = 300 # distance for move in direction 
direction = 90 # direction in degrees (90 is from north to south) 
index = 0

# Set UpdateCursor
cur_objects = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(objects, ("FID"))
for row_objects in cur_objects:
        fid = row_objects[0]
        sql = '"FID" = ' + str(index)
        index += 1

        # Initialize lists
        lines_list = []
        lines_created = []

        # Select current feature
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "NEW_SELECTION", sql)
        vertexes = "in_memory" + "\" + "vertexes"

        # Convert object to vertexes
        arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(objects, vertexes, "ALL")
        index_vertex = 0

        # Set SearchCursor for vertexes
        cur_vertexes = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(vertexes, ("[email protected]"))
        for row_vertexes in cur_vertexes:
            vertex_coords_x = row_vertexes[0][0]
            vertex_coords_y = row_vertexes[0][1]

            # Define points coordinates
            point_move_x = vertex_coords_x - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(direction))
            point_move_y = vertex_coords_y - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(90 - direction))

            # Make list of points
            new_line = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], [point_move_x, point_move_y]])

            # From second cycle
            if index_vertex > 0:
                lines_vertexes = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], start_line])
                lines_ends = ([[point_move_x, point_move_y], end_line])
            start_line = [vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y]
            end_line = [point_move_x, point_move_y]
            index_vertex = index_vertex + 1

        # Cycle that makes polylines from points
        for lines_step in lines_list:
            lines_created.append(arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*sour) for sour in lines_step])))

        arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management(lines_created, polygon)
        arcpy.AggregatePolygons_cartography(polygon, polygon_dissolve, 1)

        # Final editing
        arcpy.Erase_analysis(polygon_dissolve, objects, result_erase)
        arcpy.Append_management(result_erase, result, "NO_TEST")
        start_line = []

        # Clear selection, memory and deleting temps
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
        print ("Object number: " + str(index - 1) + " -- done.")

    # Catch errors
    except Exception as e:
        print ("Error:")
        print (e)
        print ("n")
        index += 1

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