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configurationmanager no existe en el ejemplo de código de contexto actual

Ejemplo 1: configurationmanager no existe en el contexto actual

It's not only necessary to use the namespace System.Configuration. You have also to add the reference to the assembly System.Configuration.dll , by

Right-click on the References / Dependencies
Choose Add Reference
Find and add System.Configuration. In Assembly
This will work for sure. Also for the NameValueCollection you have to write:

using System.Configuration;

var efConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyWebConfigEfConnection"].ConnectionString;

Ejemplo 2: configurationmanager no existe en el contexto actual

I'm using JetBrains Rider and C#. Couldn't get rid of this problem (which manifested by Rider being unable to solve symbol "ConfigurationManager") until I installed NuGet Package for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager into my project.
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