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Ejemplo 1: comprobar javascript si no null
//Even if the value is 0, this will execute. if(myVar !==null)...//If you don't want it to execute when it's 0, then set it asif(myVar)...//This will return false if var value is 0.
Ejemplo 2: sintaxis de javascript para verificación null o indefinido o vacío
if(typeof value !=='undefined'&& value)//deal with value';
Ejemplo 3: JavaScript comprueba si no está definido o null o vacío string
// simple check do the jobif(myString)// comes here either myString is not null,// or myString is not undefined,// or myString is not '' (empty).
Ejemplo 4: JavaScript comprueba si la variable está vacía
if( value )///**
* This will evaluate to true if value is not:
* null
* undefined
* NaN
* empty string ("")
* 0
* false
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