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cómo usar valores ascii en el ejemplo de código java

Isabela, miembro de este gran equipo, nos ha hecho el favor de escribir este tutorial ya que domina a la perfección dicho tema.

Ejemplo 1: cómo obtener un carácter en java en ascii

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * How to convert a String to ASCII bytes in Java
 * @author WINDOWS 8

public class StringToASCII 

    public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException 
        // converting character to ASCII value in Java
        char A = 'A';
        int ascii = A;
        System.out.println("ASCII value of 'A' is  : " + ascii);
        // you can explicitly cast also
        char a = 'a';
        int value = (int) a;
        System.out.println("ASCII value of 'a' is  : " + value);
        // converting String to ASCII value in Java
            String text = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";

            // translating text String to 7 bit ASCII encoding
            byte[] bytes = text.getBytes("US-ASCII");
            System.out.println("ASCII value of " + text + " is following");
         catch ( e) 

ASCII value of 'A' is  : 65
ASCII value of 'a' is  : 97
ASCII value of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP is following
[65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80]

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Ejemplo 2: cómo imprimir el valor ASCII en Java

public class AsciiValue 

    public static void main(String[] args) 

        char ch = 'a';
        int ascii = ch;
        // You can also cast char to int
        int castAscii = (int) ch;

        System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch + " is: " + ascii);
        System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch + " is: " + castAscii);

Ejemplo 3: cómo obtener un carácter en java en ascii

// Very simple. Just cast your char as an int.

char character = 'a';    
int ascii = (int) character;

//In your case, you need to get the specific Character from the String first and then cast it.

char character = name.charAt(0); // This gives the character 'a'
int ascii = (int) character; // ascii is now 97.

//Though cast is not required explicitly, but its improves readability.

int ascii = character; // Even this will do the trick.

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