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Ejemplo 1: índice de búsqueda de python por valor
Ejemplo 2: obtener el índice del elemento en la lista python
Ejemplo 3: método de índice de Python
my_string ="Hello World!"
my_string.index("l") # outputs 2
# this method only outputs the index of the first "l" value in the string/list
Ejemplo 4: cómo indexar Python
#you can index in a string like:
string[0]#returns 'c'
#you can index in a list like:
list =['red','blue','green']
list[0]#returns 'red'
list[0][0]#returns[0]of'red' wich is r
Ejemplo 5: índice de python
# Python is a 0-based indexing language, meanign all indices start from0
list1 =["Python","Is","A","0","Based","Indexing","language"]print(list1[0]) # PrintsPython....the element on index 0,1in human counting
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