La guía paso a paso o código que encontrarás en este artículo es la resolución más fácil y efectiva que encontramos a esta duda o problema.
Ejemplo 1: agregar css al cuerpo html
Three ways to add CSS to the body of html:
1)External CSS
2)Internal CSS
3)Inline CSS
1) Externally:
Type your css code in a file. Remember you file name.
.css" >
2) Internally:
Type your cSS in the html file itself. (It is not preffered until
little CSS code is to be added). This can be done by style tag.
This method is not used by developers as it is very lengthy and
maintaining code becomes difficult.
"color:blue;text-align:center;">Header file
Ejemplo 2: cómo escribir css en html
"color: blue; font-size: 46px;">
Ejemplo 3: css interno
This is a heading
This is a paragraph.
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