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Cómo recorrer todas las tablas en una base de datos de MS Access

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El asistente del Documentador de base de datos con estas opciones debería brindarle lo que desea con el menor esfuerzo.

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Si ese enfoque no es satisfactorio, puede usar un código VBA personalizado para recopilar la información que desea. Puede recuperar los nombres de las tablas en su base de datos recorriendo la colección DAO TableDefs.

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
    ' ignore system and temporary tables
    If Not ( Like "MSys*" Or Like "~*") Then
    End If
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Para obtener los detalles de campo que desea, adapte la función TableInfo() de Allen Browne… sustituya las declaraciones de escritura de archivo por el Debug.Print declaraciones. Tenga en cuenta que la función utiliza 2 funciones auxiliares, GetDescrip y FieldTypeNameambos incluidos en esa página vinculada.

Aquí hay una muestra de salida de ventana inmediata de TableInfo() para una tabla en mi base de datos — Creo que incluye la información de campo que desea.

TableInfo "foo"
==========    ==========    ====          ===========
id            AutoNumber     4            
MyNumber      Long Integer   4            
MyText        Text           255          
bar           Long Integer   4            
==========    ==========    ====          ===========

Una vez que haya adaptado la función, llámela desde el For Each tdf bucle en la muestra de arriba y alimentarlo cada


Vas a tener que modificar esto un poco, está diseñado para copiar tablas de una base de datos a otra, pero debería ser un excelente punto de partida.

    ' Database.
    Dim dbRep As DAO.Database
    Dim dbNew As DAO.Database

    ' For copying tables and indexes.
    Dim tblRep As DAO.TableDef
    Dim tblNew As DAO.TableDef
    Dim fldRep As DAO.Field
    Dim fldNew As DAO.Field
    Dim idxRep As DAO.Index
    Dim idxNew As DAO.Index

    ' For copying data.
    Dim rstRep As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rstNew As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rec1 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rec2 As Recordset
    Dim intC As Integer

    ' For copying table relationships.
    Dim relRep As DAO.Relation
    Dim relNew As DAO.Relation

    ' For copying queries.
    Dim qryRep As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim qryNew As DAO.QueryDef

    ' For copying startup options.
    Dim avarSUOpt
    Dim strSUOpt As String
    Dim varValue
    Dim varType
    Dim prpRep As DAO.Property
    Dim prpNew As DAO.Property

    ' For importing forms, reports, modules, and macros.
    Dim appNew As New Access.Application
    Dim doc As DAO.Document

    ' Open the database, not in exclusive mode.
    Set dbRep = OpenDatabase(Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.TxtDatabase, False)

    ' Open the new database
    Set dbNew = CurrentDb


    ' Turn on the hourglass.
    DoCmd.Hourglass True

    Debug.Print "Copy Tables"
If Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.CkTables = True Then
    Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.LstMessages.addItem "Copying Tables:"

    ' Loop through the collection of table definitions.
    For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
    Set rec1 = dbRep.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE ([Name] = '" & tblRep.Name & "') AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=4 or (MSysObjects.Type)=6)")

    If rec1.EOF Then
      XF = 0
      XF = 1
    End If

        ' Ignore system tables and CMDB tables.
        If InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "MSys", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
            InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "CMDB", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
            XF = 0 Then

            '***** Table definition
            ' Create a table definition with the same name.
            Set tblNew = dbNew.CreateTableDef(tblRep.Name)
            Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.LstMessages.addItem "--> " & tblRep.Name & ""

            ' Set properties.
            tblNew.ValidationRule = tblRep.ValidationRule
            tblNew.ValidationText = tblRep.ValidationText

            ' Loop through the collection of fields in the table.
            For Each fldRep In tblRep.Fields

                ' Ignore replication-related fields:
                ' Gen_XXX, s_ColLineage, s_Generation, s_GUID, s_Lineage
                If InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
                    InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "Gen_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

                    '***** Field definition
                    Set fldNew = tblNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name, fldRep.Type, _

                    ' Set properties.
                    On Error Resume Next
                    fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
                    fldNew.AllowZeroLength = fldRep.AllowZeroLength
                    fldNew.DefaultValue = fldRep.DefaultValue
                    fldNew.Required = fldRep.Required
                    fldNew.Size = fldRep.Size

                    ' Append the field.
                    tblNew.Fields.Append fldNew
                    'On Error GoTo Err_NewShell
                End If
            Next fldRep

            '***** Index definition

            ' Loop through the collection of indexes.
            For Each idxRep In tblRep.Indexes

                ' Ignore replication-related indexes:
                ' s_Generation, s_GUID
                If InStr(1, idxRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

                    ' Ignore indices set as part of Relation Objects
                    If Not idxRep.Foreign Then

                        ' Create an index with the same name.
                        Set idxNew = tblNew.CreateIndex(idxRep.Name)

                        ' Set properties.
                        idxNew.Clustered = idxRep.Clustered
                        idxNew.IgnoreNulls = idxRep.IgnoreNulls
                        idxNew.Primary = idxRep.Primary
                        idxNew.Required = idxRep.Required
                        idxNew.Unique = idxRep.Unique

                        ' Loop through the collection of index fields.
                        For Each fldRep In idxRep.Fields
                            ' Create an index field with the same name.
                            Set fldNew = idxNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name)
                            ' Set properties.
                            fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
                            ' Append the index field.
                            idxNew.Fields.Append fldNew
                        Next fldRep

                        ' Append the index to the table.
                        tblNew.Indexes.Append idxNew
                    End If
                End If
            Next idxRep

            ' Append the table.
            dbNew.TableDefs.Append tblNew
        End If
    Next tblRep

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