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cómo pasar datos entre componentes en un ejemplo de código angular

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Ejemplo 1: angular @Output ()

/* @Output()
- allows data to flow from the child class to the parent class
- normally initialized with EventEmitter
*/// Parent ComponentimportComponentfrom'@angular/core'
  selector: app-component,
  • item
/* Template Notes - (newItemEvent)='addItem($event)' -- the event binding tells Angular to connect the event in the child component, newEventItem, to the method in the parent, addItem(), and that the event that the child is notifying the parent of is to be the argument of the method. - $event contains the data that the child component is passing to the parent. */)exportclassAppComponent items =['item1','item2','item3'];addItem(newItem: string)this.items.push(newItem);/* Class Notes - `[item]` -- @Input() target from child - `currentItem` -- property from parent - `(deleteRequest)` -- the target @Output event from child - `crossOffItem($event)` -- method from parent; */// Child ComponentimportOutput,EventEmitterfrom'@angular/core'; @Component( selector: app-item-output, template:` `/* Template Notes - #newItem stores whatever is typed into the input - (click) event is bound to addNewItem method and passes newItem.value to the component class */)exportclassItemOutputComponent @Output() newItemEvent =newEventEmitter<string>();addNewItem(value: string)// this method emits the value of newItemEventthis.newItemEvent.emit(value);/* Component Class Notes - @Output marks the property as a way for data to go from the child component to the parent component - newItemEvent is the name of the @Output - new EventEmitter() -- tells Angular to create a new event emitter of type string - addNewItem(value: string) -- when the user clicks the button the child component lets the parent component know about the event and gives the data to the parent. */

Ejemplo 2: enviar datos angulares al componente principal



  message: string ="Hola Mundo!"

  @Output() messageEvent =newEventEmitter<string>();constructor()sendMessage()this.messageEvent.emit(this.message)

Ejemplo 3: compartir datos entre componentes angulares

      Say  message 

  @Input() childMessage: string;constructor()======================================================================importComponentfrom'@angular/core';//Parent-Component data transfer to Child-Component
  parentMessage ="message from parent"constructor()

Ejemplo 4: compartir datos usando el servicio angular 6


@Injectable()exportclassDataServiceprivate messageSource =newBehaviorSubject('default message');
  currentMessage =this.messageSource.asObservable();constructor()changeMessage(message: string)

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