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cómo llamar a la función def en el ejemplo de código python

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Ejemplo 1: cómo definir la función en python

def example():			#This defines it
  print("Example.")		#This is the defined commands

example()				#And this is the commands being run

Ejemplo 2: función de Python

def name():#name of the def(function);
  print("Hallo, World!")#Output is Hallo, World!;
name()#Name of the def, the programm will jump to the def;

#Hallo, World!

Ejemplo 3: cómo llamar a una función en python

def func():
  print(" to write statement  here  and call by a function ")
// Returns

Ejemplo 4: funciones en python

#Function Tutoral:
def hello():
"""To make a function, it needs def then nameOfFunction() and a : to 
make the function work, you don't need a closing tag, as long as there is
tabbed section."""

def add(a, b): #This time, there is two inputs for the function to prossess. 
  c = a + b 
  return c
"""What the function above does is you input 2 numbers, and then it returns 
#The Value c, Calling it is as simple as add(5, 1) 
#What return does, is it almost makes a varible. So you can do:
#70 + add(10, 20) and it will return with: 100. This is because it will
go 70 + 30, as the function returned 30 because the inputs were 10 and 20."""

"""Functions can be called by code, as long as the function has already
been defined. Hope this helped you in your python journey!"""

Ejemplo 5: cómo agregar una función en python

#How to add a function in python

def new_function(): #Tells python to define a function
  print("Hello World!") #Here is where we put what the function should do
#Calling a function
#Calling a function allows us to use the function at a specific time in our code

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