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cómo leer un archivo línea por línea en el ejemplo de código golang

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Ejemplo 1: golang lee el archivo línea por línea

package main

import("bufio""bytes""fmt""io""os")funcreadFileWithReadString(fn string)(err error)

    file, err := os.Open(fn)defer file.Close()if err !=nilreturn err
    // Start reading from the file with a reader.
    reader := bufio.NewReader(file)var line stringfor
        line, err = reader.ReadString('n')

        fmt.Printf(" > Read %d charactersn",len(line))// Process the line here.
        fmt.Println(" > > "+limitLength(line,50))if err !=nilbreakif err != io.EOF 
        fmt.Printf(" > Failed!: %vn", err)returnfuncreadFileWithScanner(fn string)(err error)
    fmt.Println("readFileWithScanner - this will fail!")// Don't use this, it doesn't work with long lines...

    file, err := os.Open(fn)defer file.Close()if err !=nilreturn err
    // Start reading from the file using a scanner.
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)for scanner.Scan()
        line := scanner.Text()

        fmt.Printf(" > Read %d charactersn",len(line))// Process the line here.
        fmt.Println(" > > "+limitLength(line,50))if scanner.Err()!=nil
        fmt.Printf(" > Failed!: %vn", scanner.Err())returnfuncreadFileWithReadLine(fn string)(err error)

    file, err := os.Open(fn)defer file.Close()if err !=nilreturn err
    // Start reading from the file with a reader.
    reader := bufio.NewReader(file)forvar buffer bytes.Buffer

        var l []bytevar isPrefix boolfor
            l, isPrefix, err = reader.ReadLine()
            buffer.Write(l)// If we've reached the end of the line, stop reading.if!isPrefix break// If we're just at the EOF, breakif err !=nilbreakif err == io.EOF break

        line := buffer.String()

        fmt.Printf(" > Read %d charactersn",len(line))// Process the line here.
        fmt.Println(" > > "+limitLength(line,50))if err != io.EOF 
        fmt.Printf(" > Failed!: %vn", err)returnfuncmain()testLongLines()testLinesThatDoNotFinishWithALinebreak()functestLongLines()
    fmt.Println("Long lines")
    fmt.Println("No linebreak")
    fmt.Println()funccreateFileThatDoesNotEndWithALineBreak(fn string)(err error)
    file, err := os.Create(fn)defer file.Close()if err !=nilreturn err

    w := bufio.NewWriter(file)
    w.WriteString("Does not end with linebreak.")
    w.Flush()returnfunccreateFileWithLongLine(fn string)(err error)
    file, err := os.Create(fn)defer file.Close()if err !=nilreturn err

    w := bufio.NewWriter(file)

    fs :=1024*1024*4// 4MB// Create a 4MB long line consisting of the letter a.for i :=0; i < fs; i++
        w.WriteRune('a')// Terminate the line with a break.
    w.WriteRune('n')// Put in a second line, which doesn't have a linebreak.
    w.WriteString("Second line.")

    w.Flush()returnfunclimitLength(s string, length int)stringiflen(s)< length return s
    return s[:length]

Ejemplo 2: línea de lectura de golang

package main

	x :=string

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