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Ejemplo: iteración de tupla de python
You could google on "tuple unpacking". This can be used in various places in Python. The simplest isin assignment
>>> x =(1,2)>>> a, b = x
>>> a
1>>> b
In a for loop it works similarly. If each element of the iterable is a tuple, then you can specify two variables and each element in the loop will be unpacked to the two.>>> x =[(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]>>>for item in x:...print"A tuple", item
A tuple(1,2)
A tuple(3,4)
A tuple(5,6)>>>for a, b in x:...print"First", a,"then", b
First 1 then 2
First 3 then 4
First 5 then 6
The enumerate function creates an iterable of tuples, so it can be used this way.
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