Natalia, miembro de este gran equipo de trabajo, nos hizo el favor de escribir este post ya que domina perfectamente el tema.
Ejemplo 1: crea un mensaje de bienvenida y canaliza discord.js
// This is the needed event to use the welcome!
bot.on('guildMemberAdd',asyncnewMember=>// IMPORTANT NOTE: Make Sure To Use async and rename bot to client or whatever name you have for your bot events!const welcomeChannel = newMember.guild.channels.cache.find(channel=>'the channel name here, make sure the ')
welcomeChannel.send('Input your message here, if you want an embed then do a "let msgEmbed = new Discord.messageEmbed / and input the title and all the embed stuff, customize the message as much as you want!"')// Optional Part (you can modify those extra things if you'd like!) :Dlet msgEmbed =newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setTitle(`This is a title for a test`)// welcomeChannel.send(msgEmbed) )
Ejemplo 2: cómo hacer referencia al bot que se une a un servidor en discord.js
client.on('guildCreate',guild=>const channel = guild.channels.cache.find(channel=> channel.type==='text'&& channel.permissionsFor('SEND_MESSAGES'))
channel.send("Thanks for inviting me"))
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